Friday, March 15, 2013

Why Publish America is the scum of the universe

To my writer-readers. Remember my post about vetting? Where I said that "dream" language was a read flag? That you should be very wary of any agent or publisher that spends a lot of time telling you they want to make your dreams come true? Did you wonder what that might look like?

This. This is what it looks like.

I haven't said a lot about Publish America, mostly because the first thing you figure out in writing after "Don't write your manuscript in papyrus and actually send that to anybody" is that Publish America is the worst deal on the market for authors, flat out, across the board. Author Solutions is evil, but Author Solutions is Darth Vader to PA's Emperor Palpatine. Vader works for the Dark Side. PA IS the Dark Side.

You know how I said that Absolute Write has a thread background checking everybody in the publishing industry ever? Publish America gets its own forum. And it isn't pretty.

In fact, if AWWC wasn't actually behind the Atlanta Nights sting op ( you go. Tell your free time it was nice, but you found somebody else) most of the long-term professional members still participated.

Publish America. DO NOT ENGAGE.

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