Friday, January 25, 2013

Narcissus in Chains chapter 56+57

So Anita is now on her own for saving Damian. She elects to be his first meal, everyone else calls bullshit and decides Zane will do it, because Anita would probably die. Anita is a little miffed at this, but she understands. Then she realizes that Zane and Cherry love each other. She feels guilty.

Damian, of course, freaks the fuck out immediately. He eats a large portion of Zane's throat, then moves on to Merle, and then jumps Anita. Only when he touches Anita he snaps out of it and asks her what's going on.

Uh...I'm guessing "You're trying to kill everybody in the room" is not an acceptable reply.

The magical connection between them comes to life, Anita kisses Damian, and the chapter ends.

Next chapter, Damian is in Anita's hot tub, with Anita. Apparently Jean Claude only has one hot bathtub, and the systemic shock vamps go into when they come out of the coffin apparenlty doesn't kick in for a couple hours. Damian has to say in contact with Anita, however, because he goes into convulsions and starts vomiting blood in case she tries to leave.

You know what I'm not thinking? I'm not thinking this chapter would be better if Anita has a medical crisis bigger than Damian's. I'm pretty certain you're not, either. But you know who is? Yeah, Anita gets heat stroke from sitting in the hot tub. They have to cut her clothes off. While she's still in the hot tub.

And then she vomits and passes out. Because nobody can be babied if Anita can't be babied, I guess.

I really hate this book.


  1. This is is so stupid that it's hilarious.

  2. "Yeah, Anita gets heat stroke from sitting in the hot tub. They have to cut her clothes off. While she's still in the hot tub."

    What is the point to this scene? How does it contribute in any way shape or form to characterization, plot, theme, or anything? I demand a frickin' POINT!

    1. Oh no, you're not slut-shaming. The only problem with how much sex Anita has (besides that it derailed the series icredibly) is that it's never totally consensual. She never has sex because she wants to. She always HAS to for some reason. That's what's slut-shaming: the idea that the heroine, as a Good Girl, can't just have sex because she wants to. You'll notice only evil women do that in this series!

    2. also she becomes a serial rapist, that's a pretty big problem with the sex she has too

    3. "The only problem with how much sex Anita has (besides that it derailed the series icredibly) is that it's never totally consensual. She never has sex because she wants to. She always HAS to for some reason."


      "If Anita had some consensual sex that would be a different story, but this is her being tricked so that all of this penis inside of her is none of her fault, tee hee!"

      There I was, naked in a hot tub with a guy, minding my own business, when suddenly I accidentally sat on his penis. I don't know how it happened.

    4. That would happen if there were more book.

      What actually happens is, IMHO, actually MORE rage inducing than that would be. It severely pissed me off.

  3. Oh wait now I get it. Chapter 58 will involve healing Anita with sex, because arduer or something. Chapter 59 will involve the 'plot' resolving itself in some way that doesn't really involve Anita. Chapter 60 will involve everyone praising Anita for being so special.
